Adult video arcade

Adult video arcades are X-rated movie previewing areas. They are almost always attached to a sex shop or an adult book store (ABS), where magazines, movies, and sexual aids are sold. An arcade consists of typically a dozen or more private (or sometimes semi-private) viewing booths, containing a video monitor, a panel of controls, and a seat. Sometimes these booths are arranged in a maze-like fashion. Often the lighting will be dim, perhaps only red or green lights near each booth, indicating their availability.[1]



Movie time is purchased either by coin or cash activation within the booth, or by purchasing tokens or a block of time in advance.[2] Generally a selection of 15 to 50 movies running in DVD players is available for browsing. New video systems operate with computers and provide a selection of several thousands movies. The worlds largest system is located in France, Paris (Date stamp Jan. 2011). The system in the Club 88 provides more than 30,000 movies in more than 70 video booths. These movies are straight, gay, bisexual, and sometimes transsexual. Some more modern systems display more than one screen at a time for easier selection.


In most ABS, the arcades will have "buddy booths." These booths are adjacent, and allow for interplay between occupants. Some of them have windows so "buddies" may watch each other masturbate. Between other booths there may be glory holes for oral sex.[2][3][4]

If a glory hole is to be found between two booths in a video booth at an adult bookstore, the person who wishes to perform oral sex will normally be seated in his booth.[5] Although not a hard and fast rule, that seated (and sometimes kneeling) position commonly signals to others that they are there in order to perform oral sex - which allows those who wish to receive oral sex to take the adjoining booth. That second person, who wishes to have oral sex performed on them will take the adjoining booth and normally remain standing.[6] A number of ABS require and enforce that movies be operating at all times while arcade booths are occupied.

See also


  1. ^ Zeeland, Steven (1999). Military Trade. Haworth Press. p. 21. ISBN 0-7890-0402-X. 
  2. ^ a b Simpson, Mark (2002). Sex terror: erotic misadventures in pop culture. Haworth Press. pp. 58,103,142. ISBN 1-56023-376-1. 
  3. ^ Adams, Nicholas (2004). My Black Book. iUniverse. pp. 124–130. ISBN 0-595-30781-7. Retrieved 2007-12-31. 
  4. ^ O'Hara, Scott (1999). Rarely Pure and Never Simple: Selected Essays of Scott O'Hara. Haworth Press. pp. 45–49. ISBN 0-7890-0573-5. Retrieved 2007-12-31. 
  5. ^ The Gloryhole FAQ by Lilfuzzyg (1999)
  6. ^ Adams, Nicholas (2004). My Black Book. iUniverse. pp. 116–117. ISBN 0-595-30781-7. Retrieved 2007-12-31.